St. Roch crews, 1928 – 1954

As this list of men serving aboard St. Roch is compiled by year, some may have been aboard for the entire year only or one month during that year as a crewmember.  It is possible someone was aboard St. Roch for a short passage but was not recorded as crew and, consequently, does not appear on this list.


S/Cst – Special Constable Sgt – Sergeant
A/Cst – Acting Constable S/Sgt – Staff Sergeant
Cst – Constable Insp – Inspector
Cpl – Corporal
Name Rank Years Served
Ackles, KC S/Cst 1945-48
Alexander, S S/Cst 1935-37
Anderton, F Sgt 1928-33
Andreasen, Ole S/Cst 1944
Atkins, CW S/Cst 1951
Auchterlonie, GF Cst 1947-48
Bayers, RW S/Cst 1954
Beattie, RI S/Cst 1948
Blair, JR Cst 1949
Blues, DF Cst 1932-34
Boutilier, Bertram Graham Cst 1950-51
Boutilier, JT Civilian Employee 1943
Braun, WA S/Cst 1954
Brunner, PA S/Cst 1954
Budge, AM Cst 1948
Burton, JR Cst 1948-50
Byer, S S/Cst 1948
Carter, WS Cst 1932-33
Cashin, WM S/Cst 1944-49
Chaisson, VD S/Cst 1954
Chartrand, AJ Cst 1938-41
Cheetham, JR Cst 1935-36
Christie, RW Cst 1939
Clark, CB S/Cst 1946
Coffin, GL Cpl 1947-48
Collen, WV Cst 1947
Cooper, JB S/Cst 1950-51
Cranney, JJ Cst 1933-34, 36-37
Cresine, HEB Cst 1938
Dauphniee, C S/Cst 1954
Davies, JH Cst 1930, 33-34
Deveau, JW S/Cst 1950
Develin, D S/Cst 1951
Dickens, GM S/Cst 1944
Diplock, JM S/Cst 1944
Douthwaite, CRR Cst 1935-37
Dowden, CH S/Cst 1951
Doyle, J Cst 1942
Driscoll, WF S/Cst 1951
Duffy, MG Cst 1947
Duke, JE S/Cst 1930-33
Dunn, TC Cst 1949
Eddy, JY Sgt 1936-37
Eisenhauer, IH Cst 1948
Equalla Guide 1941
Farrar, Frederick Sleigh Sgt 1930-34, 38-43, 50
Fielder, LF Cst 1930
Fleet, BW A/Cst 1945
Foster, MF Cst 1928-34, 38-42
Friedrich, J Cst 1940
Gillen, WMH Delivery Captain 1928
Gingell, JN S/Cst 1950-51
Goodey, RJ Cst 1935, 38-39
Green, RW Cst 1948
Hadley, Eugene Campbell Cst 1940-42
Hall, KWN Insp 1950
Hall, WR S/Cst 1945-46
Henderson, FJJ Sgt 1950-51
Holt, Herbert S/Cst 1930
Hull, D S/Cst 1954
Humphrey, HC Cst 1937
Hunt, PG Cst 1940-42, 44-47
Jacobsen, F Pilot 1928
Jennings, SG S/Cst 1954
Johnson, DJ S/Cst 1950-51
Johnsen, Rudolf Thorvald S/Cst 1943-49
Jones, PW Cst 1947, 51
Josephson, VS Cst 1938, 39
Kane, GF S/Cst 1951
Keating, MP S/Cst 1945
Kells, RW Cst 1928-37
Knickle, WED Civilian Employee 1943
Kelly, P Guarantee Engineer 1928
LaBreche, Gerald Francis Cst 1951
Lamothe, A Cst 1928
Lamb, LR S/Cst 1928
Larsen, HA S/Sgt 1928-48, 54
Lavoie, JFH A/Cst 1950
Lemieux, JS S/Cst 1945
Lohnes, KK Civilian Employee 1943
Luke, M S/Cst 1936
MacKenzie, A Cst 1935-36
MacPherson. CS Sgt 1950
MacRae, JA Cst 1930-32, 34
Makinson, GT Cpl 1933-36
Maragetts, JV Cst 1947
Marshall, WE Cst 1943
Matthews, Frank S/Cst 1944
Mayo, H Civilian Employee 1943
McKenzie, John Stanley Garfield S/Cst 1944
Menzies, GS S/Cst 1951, 54
Mercier, FJJ Civilian Employee 1943
Monette, JM Cst 1940
Moore, GPC Cst 1937-47
Moore, GT Cst 1930-32
Mossmon, HV S/Cst 1954
Mott, WH Cst 1948-51, 54
Norris, HA Cst 1951
Olsen, MJ Cst 1928-30
Owen-Jones, AH Sgt 1930-32
Panatanoak Guide 1938
Panipakuttuk, Joseph Guide 1944, 46
Parke, WV S/Cst 1943
Parkes, Derek E. Cst 1938-39
Parry, WJ Cst 1928-34, 40-42
Parsloe, TG Cst 1928
Pearo, LP Cst 1928
Perks, D Cpl 1934
Peters, GW Cst 1938, 40-47, 49
Piccott, GT S/Cst 1951
Pigeon, C S/Cst 1945
Porter, GW Guide 1940
Powell, RN S/Cst 1951
Reid, Arthur Elridge S/Cst 1950-51, 54
Roberts, NC Cpl 1951
Roed, WCG S/Cst 1945
Rushton, ES S/Cst 1951
Russill, LG S/Cst 1944
Sargent, Glen Kirk Cst 1947-48
Sealey, Frederick William S/Cst 1928-29
Shaw, William Charles S/Cst 1954
Smith, LC S/Cst 1945-46
Smith, Murray Sutherland Cst 1947, 50-51
Smith, FM Cpl 1950
Stevenson, JL S/Cst 1951
Tremaine, Jonathan William Harris Cpl 1951
Tomsett, Arthur Fredrick Cst 1950-51
Tieleman, Hendrik Willem S/Cst 1954
Tudor, Arthur Frank Carver Cst 1928
Wall, George Meynell Cpl 1933
Wareham, Gordon Thomas Cst 1939
Welsh, TFD Cst 1935-37
White, Lundy William Lloyd Cst 1930, 34
Willan, Lionel Francis Cst 1935-37
Wilson, AS Cpl 1943
Wood, CE Cst 1929-30, 34-37